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AAF Technician Badge, 1942-1947

WW II AAF Wings Examples

AAF Aviation Badges

Air Assault Badge, 1974-Present
Army Instructor Identification Badges
Army Staff Badges, 1920-Present

Coast Artillery Badge
Career Counselor, 1972 -Present

Combat Action, 2001 – Present

Combat Infantry Badge

Combat Medical Badges, 1941-present
Department of Defense Identification

Drill Sergeant Identification, 1964-present
Driver and Mechanic Badge, 1942-present
Engineer Diver Badges, 1944-present
Explosive Ordnance Disposal and Supervisor/Senior Badges, 1959-present

Expert Infantry Badge
Expert Medical Badge

Expert Soldier Badge
First Field Army Badges, 1910-1914
Flying Instructor, 1919-1927 & 1943-1947

Free Fall Parachutist Badges, 1994-present

Glider badge, 1943-1961
Health and Human Services, 2000-present

Military Horseman Identification Badge
Joint Chiefs of Staff service badge, 1961-present

Master Explosive Ordnance Disposal Badge,
Master Gunner Identification Badge

Army Medical Department Recruiter

National Guard Recruiter Badges, 1971-2008
National Guard Bureau Identification Badge
National Guard Recruiter Badges, 2008 Designs

Nuclear Reactor Badges, 1966-1990

Officers’ Reserve Corps Badge

Parachute Rigger Badge
Senior and Master Parachutist badges, 1950-present

Parachutist badge,
Pathfinder Badge
Presidential Service

Ranger Tab, 1953-present

Recruiting Badges
Reserve Recruiter,

Sapper Tab
Scuba Diver badge,

Spanish American War Corps Badges

Special Forces tab,
before 1955-present
Special Operations Diver Badges, 2004-present

The 1914 Swordsman’s Badge
Guard, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier,

Vice Presidential Staff Badges
White House Service Badge
National Guard Bureau Identification Badge